Death, Hellfire, and Brimstone hatred goes out to...
- William Lane
- Christopher Wood
- Samantha Bennett
- Pudding
- Rappers
- "The man"
- Rapists
- Therapists
- The-rapists
- liberals
- pro-abortionists
- commies
- Michael Jackson
- The blond chick in the third row
- Vicar Of Christ
- Webcams
- Stale potato chips
- the police
- Guns
- God
- Government
- Every fuckin' body who said we would amount to nothing...... Fuck You!!!!
- woman who's turned us down... Fuck You Too!!!!
- The alarm clock
- Baptists
- Catholics
- Protestants
- Wal-mart
- the people who work at Wal-mart
- Life
- Old people who smell like bologna
- Love is the slowest form of suicide
- I'm gonna kill you slowly while you sleep
- people who read really long lists
- sell-outs
- it's 4:30 in the morning
- Spanish classes
- God damn not an angel when i die
- Megalomaniacs
- the way bologna is spelled
- "Proper English" speakers
- non "Proper English" Speakers
- god damn!!!! your still reading this!!!!
- look behind you
- you looked too slow!!!! i'm already gone! Haha!
- i escaped from the statesville insane asylum
- i'm in your bathroom watching you!
- i was born in the state of........ confusion
- Antidisestablishmentarrianism
- big words
- the word "is"
- small words
- Blond Chicks
- The pillows
- Japenese Bands
- Happy Classical Music
- Harry nipples
- Fat bitches in thongs
- the keyboard i'm writing this with
- I really cant fucking believe that your still reading this shit!!!!
- Forced to follow
- beLIEve
- have i lost my mind?
- Pop culture music
- And most of all, the mother fucking MEDIA!!!!