Today I officially start Diary of
a madman back up... We just got a new vocalist and she's really good... now all she needs to do is come up with words and
we'll be set for some shows!!!! I really have to get better on the guitar cause i suck compared to what i want to be at. The
level i want to be at and the level i'm at are in two totally different ballparks. I need to take lessons so i can understand
theory alot better. I've never taken a lesson in my life... i need to start though. When i pick up the guitar, my mind draws
a blank anymore and i dont like that feeling. When I'm at band, I try so hard to come up with something but it never comes
out right. I need to get my edge back like I had when V.O.C first started out. Well, I'm gonna pick up my axe again and
play it for a little 'till I go to bed.