what can I say? Layne was a good
musician and I really don't believe that his death was "Accidental"... I mean come the fuck on... he died on the anniversary
of Kurdt's death!!!! I believe he either wanted to get fucked up beyond redemtion so he couldn't remember the day was that
or he wanted to go out on the same day as Kurdt did...
Anyway it goes, it still doesn't take from
the fact that Layne was an awesome musician. He created masterpieces that you have to think about in order to get... like
"Angry chair" and "them bones"... they all have messages but you have to get them ya know? you have to put yourself in Layne's
position and Layne's life to be able to fully comprehend the song's full meaning...
well, I can only say what i have because
i didn't know the true Layne. Deadly can probably describe him better... all I know is that I related to most
of his messages and he definately had an impact on the way I write music...